ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised standard for quality management systems that helps organisations to meet the expectations and needs of their customers and stakeholders. By being ISO 9001 certified, we show that we have a consistent and effective approach to delivering our services, that we comply with all the relevant laws and regulations, and that we continually improve our processes and performance. ISO 9001 certification also gives us a competitive edge in the market and enhances our reputation as a reliable and trustworthy company.
ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised standard for environmental management systems that helps organisations to minimise their environmental impact and improve their sustainability. By being ISO 14001 certified, we show that we have a systematic and proactive approach to managing our environmental aspects, that we comply with all the relevant environmental laws and regulations, and that we strive to achieve our environmental objectives and targets. ISO 14001 certification also helps us to reduce our costs and risks, increase our efficiency and innovation, and enhance our credibility and image as an environmentally responsible company.
ISO 45001 is a global standard for health and safety management systems that helps organisations to prevent work-related hazards and risks for their workers and others. With ISO 45001 certification, we demonstrate that we manage our health and safety aspects effectively and proactively, that we follow all the applicable health and safety laws and regulations, and that we strive to meet our health and safety goals and targets. ISO 45001 certification also helps us to lower our accident and illness rates, boost our productivity and morale, and improve our reputation and image as a socially responsible company.
ISO 50001 is an international standard for energy management systems that helps organisations to improve their energy performance and efficiency. By being ISO 50001 certified, we show that we have a systematic and data-driven approach to managing our energy aspects, that we comply with all the relevant energy laws and regulations, and that we achieve our energy objectives and targets. ISO 50001 certification also helps us to reduce our energy costs and consumption, lower our greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance our competitiveness and image as an energy-conscious company.
Investors in People is a standard for people management that helps organisations to develop, support and motivate their employees. By being accredited as an Investors in People organisation, we show that we have a high-quality and effective approach to leading, managing and developing our people, that we align our people practices with our strategic goals and objectives, and that we continuously improve our performance and results. Investors in People accreditation also helps us to attract and retain talent, enhance our employer brand, and achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Environmental Agency is a public body that regulates waste management and disposal in England. By being a registered waste carrier, we show that we have the legal permission and responsibility to transport and dispose of waste in a safe and environmentally friendly way. We also have access to the online waste carrier register, where we can check the details and status of other waste carriers, brokers and dealers. Being a registered waste carrier also helps us to avoid fines and penalties, improve our environmental performance, and comply with the duty of care for waste.
Living Wage Foundation is an organisation that promotes a voluntary wage rate that is higher than the legal minimum and reflects the real cost of living in the UK. By being a Living Wage employer, we show that we pay our staff and contractors a fair and decent wage, that we value and respect our workforce, and that we support the local community and economy. Living Wage accreditation also helps us to reduce staff turnover, increase productivity, and enhance our reputation and customer trust.
BPCA is the British Pest Control Association, a trade association that represents and supports the pest management industry in the UK. By being a BPCA member, we show that we meet the highest standards of professionalism and best practice in pest control, that we have access to the latest training, guidance and resources on pest management, and that we are part of a network of trusted and qualified pest professionals. BPCA membership also helps us to comply with the relevant legislation and regulations, enhance our credibility and reputation, and provide quality service to our customers.

Slave-Free Alliance is a social enterprise that helps organisations to prevent and eradicate modern slavery from their operations and supply chains. By being a member of Slave-Free Alliance, we demonstrate that we are committed to fighting modern slavery and human trafficking, that we have access to expert guidance and support on how to identify and mitigate the risks of slavery in our business, and that we contribute to the global movement to end this crime against humanity. Slave-Free Alliance membership also helps us to comply with the UK Modern Slavery Act, protect our reputation and brand, and enhance our social responsibility and ethical values.

In addition to our environmental initiatives, we are also committed to being a socially responsible business. That’s why we are applying for B Corporation certification, which is a global standard for companies that balance purpose and profit. By becoming a B Corp, we aim to demonstrate our values of transparency, accountability, and sustainability to our customers, partners, and employees.